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Glass production involves two main methods – the float glass process that produces sheet glass, and glassblowing that produces bottles and other containers. Pressed glass (or pattern glass) is a form of glass made using a plunger to press molten glass into a mold. It was first patented by American inventor John P. Bakewell in 1825 to make knobs for furniture. The technique was developed in the United States from the 1820s and in Europe, particularly France, Bohemia, and Sweden from the 1830s. By the mid-19th century, most inexpensive mass-produced glassware was pressed (1850–1910). One type of pressed glass is carnival glass. Painted pressed glass produced in the early 20th century is often called goofus glass. The method is also used to make beads.Glassblowing is a glassforming technique that involves inflating molten glass into a bubble (or parison), with the aid of a blowpipe (or blow tube). A person who blows glass is called a glassblower, glassmith, or gaffer. A lampworker (often also called a glassblower or glassworker) manipulates glass with the use of a torch on a smaller scale.
In this category we have assembled all major subcategories of glass including crystal, art glass, dinner set pattern pieces and more. The "Pattern Glass" page includes all the major subcategories of patterned glass including, depression glass, EAPG, Elegant Glass, and more.